Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring Challenge

Here are the photos of the winning artists and their paintings. Congratulations to all!

First Place:  Anne Porter

Second Place:  Marion Wishnefski

Third Place:  Joan Hahn Widman

Vanguard Spring Challenge

Diane Freeman shared the following about the Vanguard Spring Challenge, 2014:

The meeting last week included our Spring Challenge which was to do a painting
of any medium, any size, but you could only use green, orange, purple and white.
Seventeen of our members rose to the challenge and brought in wonderful pieces
that really showcased how much you can do with a limited palette of secondary
colors. Each painting was identified only by a number so no one knew who did
which painting. All members present had a ballot where they could vote for
their favorite painting. Arizona Art Supply gift cards were presented to the
top three.

And the winners are:

First Place:  Anne Porter

Second Place:  Marion Wishnefski

Third Place:  Joan Widman

Mary Lou Harvey Award

Pam Bleakney shared the name of the winner of the Mary Lou Harvey Award through AAG:  Thad Trubakoff, MSA Woods ASU. His work can be seen here.

For the other Arizona Artists Guild scholarship winners, please go here.