Monday, May 28, 2012

Adelante Gallery Invitation

Here is the invitation for the Adelante Gallery, which includes all the artists who are exhibiting.

Hope to see you there!

Please click on the photo to enlarge it to read.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Joan Widman sent the following note:

You are invited to attend the opening reception for the initial WHAM art show at the Adelante Gallery in Surprise.  I am showing three paintings in this show.

June 1. 5:30-7:30
Adelante Healthcare Surrprise
15351 W. Bell Road

Hope to see you there
Joan Hahn Widman

I would like to add that I also had three paintings accepted into this show. Please do come to the reception, the art promises to be great....Susan

Friday, May 18, 2012

Nan Adams announces that she sold a painting at the Professional Building. It was her "Bashful Rose" watercolor painting. She replaced the sold painting with another of her wonderful florals, "Golden Engelmann's Blossom". 

Congrats to you, Nan, and thanks for letting us know as we can share in your success vicariously!