The Vanguard Artists Holiday Dinner was held Friday evening, December 4. I attended and had a grand time. The venue was especially nice and I enjoyed seeing this new facility for the first time. The program was festive, the food wonderful (especially that dessert!) and I feel all had a great time together. I will pass along the following from member, Judy Lawson:
A GREAT BIG THANKS!!!!I just know I'm missing someone from the list - so, please pass this along!The get together was just great - good friends, good entertainment & good food!What a great place the Colonade was for our party - I hope this will be an annual venue!! Carolyn, I'm sorry about your boo-boo and that you missed most of the party!Can't wait to see all the pics on the blog!!Happy Holidays to you all and a Happy New Year!!!!Mom (Wilma) had a good time, too!!Judy
One of the tables beginning to fill up as others arrive. The centerpieces were so cute and festive.

Socializing was the key for the first hour of the party, I know there wasn't enough time for me to get around and see everyone as I intended.
Note to Bill year more socializing time!
Our Vice President, Pat Knorr, entertaining us with two lovely song renditions. I apologize for the poor quality of this photo, but it was dark where she was performing and I was too far away.
Note to self....move closer to the action next year when photographing memories. Note to Bill year a spotlight for Pat!
Thanks, Susan. I don't have a photo of myself singing so this is good even though the focus was not sharp.