Elizabeth Mullen and Aileen Garvey have been commissioned by the Sun
City West Recreation Center governing board to design and produce a
10' by 20' mural honoring and dedicated to the Sun City West Volunteers.
The theme is to recognize the many volunteers in this community and how
very much they do for us. It is a "Thank you" to the "Sun City West
Volunteers are the Heart of our Community", which is spelled out on
the mural.
The work can be found on the interior court yard wall across from the
administrative offices of the RH Johnson Recreation Center. It is
currently in progress with an expected completion date of 4/18 or 4/19.
Please come and visit us. We work from 2:00 until dark as that is
when the wall is shaded.
Kristi Herring said: "I stopped by to see what Eileen Garvey and Liz Mullen were doing while painting the mural at the RH Johnson Rec Center. They were working hard with their beautiful mural".
Kristi provided these photos to document their progress and share with us. Thanks, Kristi!